By Azariah Lindo

Jayden did not want to go on the trip to Trinidad with his Israelite congregation to preach the true word of Yahawah to the lost brethren scattered across the Caribbean Islands. He was absolutely terrified of going since it was so different from where he was used to and it seemed to him that it would be dangerous.
His parents, Brother and Sister Green had gone on many such trips and knew the joys that came from the hardships and especially the joys of sharing the genuine message of Yahawashi with lost Israelites who wanted to know him so very much. So they made him go even though he pouted and looked very afraid, all the way over on the plane no matter what Ahma and Ahba said to comfort him.
When they arrived and got settled, everything Jayden was afraid of turned out to be true. He hated it all. Thank goodness the hotel was nice. And the food they had there was scrumscious.
None of the events or work assignments they got were fun to Jayden. Noises in the night there were so different from home and scary too. It often sounded like there was something evil screaming in the bushes and the birds and insects flying past sounded unnaturally large to Jayden. So Jayden just stayed in his hotel every day as his parents went out and ministered to the people of the different villages and towns there.
No matter how many wonderful stories he heard of Yahawah’s miracles and the fun they were having getting to know the people, Jayden was stubborn and he would not leave the hotel. He just sat there day in and day out and played with his Portable PlayStation. He loved that thing. It was very good for keeping his mind off of his surroundings and trying to solve and complete all of his games, which he never did manage to complete.
On Thursday morning, Jayden got up and ate with his parents. Right on schedule, Jayden's parents left to start the day’s work of building homes and buildings for teaching the people. Jayden went to his bed and looked for his PlayStation to start his day too.
But he could not find it. Where could it be? It was his best friend in this lonely place. He looked under his bedding, in his suitcase, everywhere. He was just frantic.
He started looking all around the hotel room, even outside the windows on the off chance it got thrown out there. Then he remembered. The night before his mom asked him to leave for a while so she could clean up so he went out and found a tree stump down the hill from the hotel area and he had it with him.
But it was too dark to play with it, so he laid it on the stump. The sounds of insects and animals in the trees started to make him afraid so he suddenly ran back to the hotel. He must have left it there.
He was going to have to go find it. Jayden peeked out the door and the village area seemed quiet. So cautiously, he left the hotel and walked down the hill toward the log. But he stopped when he got close. There was a small boy, about his size and age, sitting on the log looking at something. As Jayden approached carefully, the boy looked up. In his hands was the PlayStation.
The Trinidadian youth looked at it in his hands where he was playing with it and then at Jayden. Then the biggest smile you ever saw came over his face and he held it out to Jayden to return it to him. That smile was so warm, so happy, and fun-loving, it seemed to almost say to Jayden, “come play with me”.
Jayden walked up slowly, gazing at that friendly smile. The boy lifted the other hand and began the game looking at Jayden for approval.
Jayden watched the patterns the boy was making. “No, not that way, this way” he felt himself saying in his mind and before he knew it, he had sat down. Before long, the two boys were engrossed in the game.
Jayden could not resist helping the boy because it was clear this boy loved the PlayStation just as much as Jayden did and that made him just like Jayden, not too different at all. After all, they were both Israelites.
The boys played for hours and what Jayden thought was a time for him to teach this villager: the hard logic of the PlayStation suddenly changed when the boy suddenly laughed with joy and solved it.
He chartered exciting phrases to Jayden, and Jayden took it from him and held it up, and then burst into joyous laughter. “YOU SOLVED IT!” he shouted with amazement and thrilling joy.
“I never saw anyone solve it! That’s amazing!” Jayden said with excitement. He patted the boy on the back, showing his sincere respect for what he had done. “Hey let’s see if you can do it again.” Jayden stood, then he started it all up again.
Right away, the boy set to work, his tongue sticking out from between his teeth just like Jayden did when he was close to solving it. Jayden watched tensely as an athlete cheering his new friend to finish the game once again. He didn’t see the Elder Israelite come up.
“You boy’s having fun?” He said in his always friendly voice.
“Yes. Elder Keith. It’s amazing. He solved it! He solved the PlayStation Game. This is so cool. I never had a friend who could…” Jayden's excited bragging was broken, but a shriek of laughter came from this Trinidadian friend. "HE SOLVED IT AGAIN!” Jayden declared with excitement, and he literally jumped up and started patting the boy and telling him how amazing he was. Elder Keith was deeply pleased to see the boys from two very different countries find fun together. He talked to the boy whose name was Kadeem and told Jayden his name.
Kadeem explained that he too had to go help his dad work on their house but both boys promised to meet tomorrow and play some more. As Jayden and Elder Keith walked back to the hotel, Jayden asked. “What did Kadeem say to you as he was leaving?”
“Well Jayden.” The Elder said. “He told me to thank you for playing with him and he made an observation about the PlayStation.”
“Oh what did he say?” Jayden asked with excitement. “He is so good at it. I want to know his secrets.”
“He said it isn’t as hard as it looks.” Elder Keith responded. “And you know Jayden, the same is true of sharing your faith. It's not as hard as it looks. By just being a friend, as you are being with Kadeem, even if you are enjoying it and it seems natural, you are sharing your faith. All you have to do is not hide what you know about Yahawashi and let Yahawah guide you in acts of kindness, compassion, and your natural desire to see Kadeem in heaven like you will Yahawah willing.”
“Well, I want that for sure. Thanks, Elder. I will let Yahawah show me how to share Yahawashi with Kadeem. I want him in the kingdom of heaven partly because I want him to be happy and not go to, well, the terrible place.” Jayden answered.
“What is the other part?” The Elder asked.
It's so, so I will have him there to play with me.” Jayden laughed.