The first little bit of symbolism that we’re going to decode is that of the Leprechaun and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The Leprechaun changed into a concept to be a sort of fairy who dressed in an iconic coat and worked as a shoemaker. These Leprechauns would save their earnings, being gold coins, in a pot and place them at the end of a rainbow.
It became a legend that if you can capture one of them, they could provide you 3 wishes. The title “Leprechaun” comes from the Old Irish luchorpán, a compound of the roots lú (small) and corp (body). Despite what the Irish referred to as the diminutive Twa, they also went via some other names such as the Akan.
It turns out that the Leprechauns (Lepr-Akans) of its legend were truly identifiable as the Akan/Twa by people of African descent. These were diminutive people (luchorpán) that grew to a height on average of about 4'11 which is quite short indeed. Many years ago, they came to Ireland. The Twa was a skilled worker and had advanced technical expertise in the production of medicine, metallurgy, textiles and clothing, and interestingly shoe-making, which Caucasians idea was once “magical”. So we conclude here that it used to be the Twa humans that are now recognized as Leprechauns.

The e-book "Ancient and Modern Britons" with David MacRitchie's assistance states: "Black" is the word "Dubh" in Gaelic.
It is the Twa, that was "chased out of Ireland" by St. Patrick and not, as the story goes, real life serpents. In reality, the history of the holiday is a secret attempt to disguise genocide, as St. Patrick led the charge to hunt down these men and women in order to kill them.
Where does the legend of St Patrick chasing serpents out of Ireland come from? Serpents?
According to legend, St. Patrick was once well recognized for “chasing the serpents out of Ireland”. Now on the back end, they make it sound like some miracle that he saved the human beings from deadly serpents but there is in reality, no proof that actual snakes ever existed in Ireland. But if you apprehend that the “serpents” they are speaking of are symbolic of something else, this plot factor in the story will become a lot more interesting and better understood.
As established, the beneath the “serpents” story is an allusion to the human beings of African descent (the Twa) who lived in Ireland. It is vital to note that besides Twa, some names for these people include; Naga, Nagar, and Negus, which means loosely “serpent people” or “people of the serpent”. The identity is also synonymous with Pharaohs and Kings. In many African cultures, the serpent is not a symbol of evil, however one of everlasting life, regeneration, power, safety, and wisdom.
Chasing the serpents out of Ireland is a metaphor for genocide.
So what St. Patrick is surely famous for, is waging a genocidal hostility against the indigenous people of Ireland who had migrated there many hundreds of years before the Caucasians and earlier than Christianity, who were African (and coincidentally, notion to be Pagan).
Should You Celebrate?

So-called black people who are aware of the accurate history behind the story of St. Patrick’s day frequently challenge other “black” people who ignorantly celebrate the expulsion and genocide out of a lack of awareness. The ignorant ones usually respond by saying “what’s the damage in it, it’s just clean fun.”